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RunRunVids makes your videos while you play!

Media Crypt and RunRunVids have integrated their platforms to create a seamless solution to all your media requirements.

Together we are focused on bringing you the smartest easiest to use and most cost-effective platform.

TandemVids has been serving the skydiving industry for over 10 years with their tried and tested automated editing platform, use in over 28 countries. You can automatically tailor the best parts to guarantee great footage every time selecting interviews or music when you want and how you want. Not relying on a computer to select what only human’s eyes and ears do best.

MediaCrypt + RunRunVids Integration


  • A fully automated process from start to finish
  • Error free customer processing
  • Guarantee delivery
  • No need to purchase expensive hardware and new cameras
  • Multiple edits for marketing and social media sharing (Coming soon)

Media Crypt can run independently of RunRun Vids. Videos and photos can be uploaded from any source.

Got any questions or would like to see a demo please contact us.

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